Human Gastric (Gastric pylorus adenocarcinoma) FFPE Sections


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Organ& Tissue Pathology Diagnosis Gender/Age % Tumor Area Grade TMN Stage Biomarkers
Human stomach Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the gastric pylorus Male/82 25% III T4N3aM0 PD-L1(++)

Slide Preparation

Human tissue was fixed in formalin immediately after excision and embedded in paraffin. The tissue sections were 5 µm in thickness and mounted each on positively charged glass slides.


1 section on each slide


5 slides per package


Histology stain, IHC/IF, FISH and ISH

Storage Condition

Store at 2-8ºC

More Images of H&E Stain and IHC

HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, H&E, 4x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, H&E, 10x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, H&E, 20x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, PD-L1 IHC, 40x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, PD-L1 IHC, 20x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, PD-L1 IHC, 10x
HuPS-13002T human Gastric Adenocarcinoma, PD-L1 IHC, 4x

Product Data Sheet and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (PDF)

HuPS-13002T Data Sheet