Pure Cell Population Isolated through LCM

The Arcturus Cellect Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) system boasts a proprietary blend of a gentle IR laser and a powerful UV laser, working synergistically to efficiently isolate cells without altering their morphology or biological content integrity. Achieving a pure cell population from specific samples is crucial for advancing biomedical molecular biology research, and VitroVivo offers pre-made pure cell populations microdissected by the Cellect LCM system.

Key Features:

  1. LCM provides a reliable method for collecting a pure and precise population of target cells.
  2. The LCM process does not form chemical bonds with the target tissue, ensuring that molecules in LCM-transferred cells remain undegraded.
  3. Dissected pure cells are versatile and can be utilized for various molecular analyses, including DNA or RNA analysis and proteomics.
  4. The application of pre-dissected pure cells or ready-to-use DNA, RNA, and protein significantly saves time and accelerates research and discovery efforts.