VitroView™ Anti-Fade Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium


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SKU: VB-8007 Category:


VitroView™ Anti-fade Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium is optimally designed to permanently preserve fluorescence when imaging tissues and cell specimens without fading of the chromogens when applied to the stained tissue sections. It can minimize photobleaching of experimental samples for long-term storage.


  1. with high refractive index
  2. no exposure to the organic fumes
  3. permanently storage of slides and high resolution of tissue specimens
  4. Anti-fading of the fluorescent signal


Compatible with AEC, DAB, Fast Red, Oil Red, BCIP/NBT, BCIP/INT and fluorescent dyes and phycobiliproteins.

Package Size

15ml/ squeeze bottle


Product is stable for about 12 months at 2-8 ºC.

Usage Instructions

  • Place slides flat on paper towel on countertop with specimen facing up.
  • Blot excess water from the slide without letting tissue specimen dry prior to mounting.
  • Apply 2-3 drops of Anti-Fade Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium to completely cover the specimen with a thin layer.
  • Place a cover slip on the liquid and let sit at room temperature for 45 minutes to 1 hour to allow drying..


  • Avoid exposure of VitroView™ Anti-fade Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium to moisture or light, as this may affect its performance.
  • Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling chemicals and biological specimens.
  • Dispose of unused VitroView™ VitroView™ Anti-fade Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium according to local regulations and guidelines.


This user manual serves as a general guideline. Users should adapt procedures based on specific experimental requirements and equipment specifications.

User Manual and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)  (PDF )

VB-8007 user manual

VB-8007 MSDS